Thursday, July 31, 2008

Where To Go? Public Lands

Where can you find a place to Hunt this season ?
Its is some what easy to find a place to hunt, But if you dont have a lot of money that can be a serious problem for your hunting needs . Why not try Public Land.
Public Land , when some people hear this they say no way . I've always defended it because I have always been sucessful when I go . I figured out what makes it successful. Here is a few tips that i have learned that help if you hunt Public land. Some of these are just common sense.
Lesson one , check the Parking lot and see how many people are there . The less people the greater your chances are that you will harvest some game . If there is some one there just move on this rule should only apply when it is rifle season.
Lesson two , dont be fearful to scout an area before hunting season , learn the paths that animals take animal paths are major highways for great opportunitys to take game .
Lesson three ,Meet other hunters that hunt there regularly they can be helpful , to know where game goes and comes and ask them where do they hunt if the opportunity presents its self. Dont be afraid to ask this is a safety call and prevents you from ruining their hunt as well.
Lesson four, Dont pack to heavy this will make you more tired and less likely to be successful.
Lesson five , Bring a buddy this is also a saftey issue and nobody doesnt have a good parking spot.
Lesson six, dont leave any thing that is of any value in plain sight you will have break ins to your vehicle .
Lesson seven ,take a picture of the sight that you are hunting in and see the changes . If other trails are made and how far they from the main trail.
Here are a few tips and lessons I have learned if there are more I will post them.

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